House of Cards Leaving Netflix, How to Watch House of Cards

The following blog post will review House of Cards Leaving Netflix, and will talk about whether or not this will ever happen, and of why House of Cards was cancelled, plus what a House of Cards season 6 likely would’ve looked like with Kevin Spacey still around. As you can probably tell by now, I’m choosing to stick with the show reviews article postings on this site, as they are getting a lot of traffic so far and it looks like my readers are really starting to like them. For more information, be sure to comment down below or subscribe to our blog for additional details and information.

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House of Cards Leaving Netflix, Why There Won’t Be Anymore New Seasons

Due to the Kevin Spacey allegations from several years ago, House of Cards was fully taken off the air with regards to new seasons being made, however you can still currently watch episodes of House of Cards that are repeats live on Netflix. While I think House of Cards may one day be removed from Netflix due to some of the liabilities it has been causing over the past several years, I really hope that this does not happen, as it is by far one of my favorite shows on Netflix, and shows the scheming, Machiavellian ways of Washington DC in as realistic a way as they possibly could be.

Final Thoughts on House of Cards Leaving Netflix, My Thoughts on the Issue

What do you think about House of Cards, what did you think about seasons 5 and 6, and how do you think House of Cards will eventually leave Netflix, if it will at all? Leave a like or a comment down below, and be sure to subscribe to our blog for more details and information, and to tell us how you feel! Personally, I will really miss House of Cards once it leaves Netflix, but I think that it will definitely find a good home on one of the other major networks, but only time will tell.







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