Is a Degree from WGU Respected? My Take on This Awesome School

Western Governers’ University is a college that operated online. There are many degrees to select from including Bachelors’s and Masters’s programs. This school is non profit and is a private university. This online university is different from others colleges. They use a competency based model as opposed to the cohort based class model. This allows students to progress through their coursework and get credit for their knowledge. The school looks at the skills that students have. This allows students to move on to the next course once they show they masters the material. I personally am a graduate from WGU and studied there for nearly 7 months, finishing more than 18 classes in this time frame.

Why is WGU a Self Paced School?

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Western Governor’s University wants students to focus on knowledge rather than the course time. They want the students to gain information and get to work right away. Self paced will allow a Is a Degree from WGU Respected?student to progress at a rate they are comfortable with. They can demonstrate understanding through writing samples or tests. If a student can understand and show understanding of the material they can move on to the next course instead of waiting until the end of a traditional semester.

Cost of WGU

When it comes to the cost of education the average cost for an undergraduate program was $7,452 and a graduate program was priced at $7,842. This was a flat rate for a six month term and will be paid regardless of the number of courses or credits a student completed.

What is the Western Governors University Mascot?

The mascot for this school is Sage the Night Owl. It has been the official mascot since 2011.

How to Apply

Applying to this school is easy. A person will need to fill in their contact information and select the program that they want to apply for. If they are going for a graduate degree or have previous college credit official transcripts from previous schools will need to be submitted. Once this information is complete there will be a decision from the team and a person can select the start date.. A person should fill out the FAFSA form and will work with the financial aid department to make sure they get any aid they quality for. The application process takes less than 10 minutes to complete.


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