Morning Brew IPO, Why Alex Lieberman Is a Genius in My Morning Brew Review

If you have not yet heard of Morning Brew by now, then allow me to say you’re welcome for introducing you to this really cool news and finance blog and email list that is already generating tens of millions of dollars per year in annual revenue, and that is quickly becoming the hottest news company on the market. In this blog post, we’ll look at the possibility of a future Morning Brew IPO, and will walk through why I think they could easily be a publicly traded news company competing with CNBC and CNN by the year 2030, which I know is a big speculative statement. For more information, be sure to subscribe to our blog or comment down below with your thoughts on the article.

The main competitors of Morning Brew that I can see include the below:

Morning Brew


Morning Brew IPOCNN

Fox News

Fox Business

Market Watch

Seeking Alpha


New York Times

Huffington Post

USA Today


Related Posts

And a host of other similar and related news companies, I see Morning Brew surpassing Gannett and USA today in overall market share very soon, in that they are already growing at a much faster rate than USA today is, and will surpass them in subscribers in 5 to 10 years.

My Morning Brew IPO Theory, How Many Subscribers They Have, and How Fast They Are Growing

So, a few things off the top that I really like about Morning Brew, and of why I think that my Morning Brew IPO theory has some credence to it. First off, they are on track to clear $20,000,000.00 in revenue this year, the pandemic has only increased the validity and scale of their business and has put the ball back into the court of the employer’s with regards to a hiring market, and has made reading a financial news a past time of many as they are quarantined in their house for long periods of time. On top of this, if you head on over to, I can tell you from experience that the way their home page is structured is absolutely genius as far as roping in subscribers, as that will definitely maximize the rate of new users that they are bringing in. Especially with the joint paid advertising and organic funnel that they are building around their brand, and the organic power that their founder Alex Lieberman is starting to gain on Linkedin (thousands of likes on each post, plus tons of interviews!) they definitely are on track to scale at a really fast pace and to a large degree.

Why The Morning Brew News Email List Beats Out All The Rest, And Why Being Genuine Always Wins in the End

I have been a loyal subscriber on Morning Brew for some time now, and their blunt, no fluff, to the point style of writing emails that makes you feel like you are talking to an actual person is something that I think definitely has allowed them to both keep and grow their subscribers. All of my experience working at the internet Start-up company ReachMobi Inc. also tells me that when a company gets a funnel growing at this level, and when they get to this level of scale and annual revenue, that they are absolutely primed to continue growing, and their founder looks like he is dangerously smart and ambitious in a way you just don’t see that often, so I can see them IPOing at some point in the very medium to short term future.

Final Thoughts on The Future Morning Brew IPO, Why I Think 2030 Is Not Unlikely

And so, to finalize this Morning Brew blog post, in typical Inflation fashion, I will say that my prediction for the future is that Morning Brew hits $150,000,000 in annual revenue, and that they eventually IPO at a $7,000,000,000.00, yes you read that correctly, a $7 Billion Dollar valuation, which would be somewhere around a 60 P/E ratio, which I don’t think is unreasonable given the amount of traction, news and publicity that the company has had over the past several years. What do you think of a possible Morning Brew IPO in the future, and how much do you think that they will do their Initial Public Offering at? Leave a comment down below and be sure to subscribe for daily financial news!







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