How to Publish A Lot Of Content On Your Website, Make Every Minute Or 15 Minute Waiting Period Count

I decided to make this blog post as I am currently writing an article off of my phone while I am waiting on a delayed flight in the airport. My laptop is currently charging while fully off so that I can have as much power on it as possible for the I can utilize the entire flight to write Website Content. I figured out a long time ago that every single 5, 10, 15 or 30 minute increment that I was wasting, waiting for haircuts, waiting at the grocery store, and the like, could be turned into Website Content, and so, that’s exactly what I have been using the time for. In thinking of my next blog post idea, I decided to write about how exactly I churn out so much content consistently, day after day. See below for more information, and as always, subscribe for more details:


Website properties that I own that I make money off of every single day and that I blog on regularly include the following:


The Blue Eyes Shining Dragon Youtube Channel (10 subscribers and growing!)


How to Publish A Lot of Content On Your


A new Marvel Domain Coming Summer 2022


Web 2.0 Properties that I won’t disclose that I use for link building


A Twitter Profile


Several Facebook Pages


A LinkedIn Profile

Related Posts

A GitHub Profile


And much more, read on or subscribe to our blog for additional details and information.


How To Publish A Lot of Content On Your Blog, How I Wrote 500 Blog Posts


Let’s get down to it, here’s how to publish a lot of content on your blog. Write, write and write as much content as you can, whenever you have a second. I have taken this to a truly excessive extent, taking the time to even use the fifteen minutes while I am waiting in baggage claim at the airport right now to write this blog post. I have been able to do this with literally dozens of articles on my current website, and probably 15-20% of my total traffic has come from me just doing this. write this blog post. I have been able to do this with literally dozens of articles on my current website, and probably 15-20% of my total traffic has come from posting articles in this manner. Some to the point tips I can give you is:


-Blend Volume and Quality of Content –


-Write with every spare second you have


-Learn how to do Keyword Research for top ranking and long tail keywords


-Keep pushing until you get a website up to at least 1,000 blog posts, in my experience this is when you will find your traffic really starts to spiral upward. One post a day for 30 months and you will have a massive affiliate website that generates you as much as $1,000 to $3,000 per month for the rest of your life.


-Create multiple affiliate blogs to keep interest growing – this stops you from hitting a plateau and keeps you always being creative, always interested in the next new project, and always moving forward. I have learned, from nearly a decade of affiliate marketing, that keeping the content fresh and new, and that always giving yourself some new project, some new battle, is the key to success in any niche, and affiliate marketing is no difference. 

Why I Think The Affiliate Marketing Business Model of Multiple Websites Works Best

As stated above, I have built about a dozen affiliate websites at this point, all of which make money. The business model of going all in on a single website CAN absolutely work. However, depending on how fast it scales up, the problem that you may run into is that you get BORED and that you give up. I ran into this a bit with trying to scale up, I had to move from the Academic Finance niche, to the Hollywood finance niche, to a general business blog about all things business, in order to keep churning out content for the website. I also added a Rick Grimes affiliate website, I added in a Spiderman Youtube channel, and I will be adding a Marvell blog and an astrology blog (no I don’t believe in astrology…but I do believe it is a profitable niche market!) just to keep the momentum going. I also think that sampling new niches can give you a higher chance of getting viral blog posts that scale you up more quickly!

Why A Single Affiliate Website Business Model Can Actually Work Better For Beginners

With what I just said above however also being true, I find that for beginners, someone who has never made a sale before online, or someone who has never really had experience building websites, that going all in on one website, at least until you are at say $1,000 per month on it can actually work better. Why I say this, and why most affiliate marketing teachers will tell you this is that if you are just starting out, and you create 5 websites, it can get really unfocused really quickly. It is much better to keep pushing with a website until you have 400 or 1000 blog posts, with a good design, good keywords, and a good content mix, and to make money with a good domain that you built, than it is to have 5 or 6 websites that never get any traction because they have poor web design and barely any content on them. Start with just one domain if you are a beginner and take it from there.

Final Thoughts On How to Publish A Lot of Content On Your Website, Persistence And Writing

And those are my thoughts on how to write a lot of content quickly, and for how to keep pushing on and on until you have built up profitable affiliate websites. The realistic answer is that it is going to take a really long time for you to build up affiliate properties that make consistent income, and even longer for you to get to something like $10,000 or $20,000 per month…but it is absolutely doable given enough time. If you think about it like this, that you are going to commit to this for 5 or 10 years, and that you will have 10,000 total articles across 5 affiliate niches, with a youtube channel and social profiles, then you will have massive, authority websites that compete in your niches, and you will be a millionaire! If you are an affiliate marketer, keep pushing and you will succeed.



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