Why Do People Leave Money In Hotel Bibles? How I Learned About This On My New Orleans Vacation

There are a number of reasons why people might leave money in hotel bibles. First, it could be seen as a way to tip the cleaning staff or other employees who might come across the bible during their work. Second, some people believe that it is good luck to leave money in a bible, especially if it is done anonymously.

In my latest vacation, my friend that I was rooming with pulled out the hotel Bible and found a $1 bill in it. I learned on this trip that this is actually a common occurrence, and that it is very common to find $1 or more in a hotel Bible. In this blog post, we observe this phenomenon and explain the significance of it, both spiritually and worldly.

One of the most interesting things about finding money in a hotel Bible is that it can be interpreted in a number of ways. First, it could be seen as a way to tip the cleaning staff or other employees who might come across the bible during their work. Second, some people believe that it is good luck to leave money in a bible, or if anything, just a charitable action. I obviously, being in a good Why Do People Leave Money In Hotel Bibles?spot in life overall and in what was literally a $500 a night hotel room, did not think it would be in good taste to do that.

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How I First Learned About This, An Awesome Trip to New Orleans

I first learned about this when I was in New Orleans with a friend of mine. We were sitting in our hotel room and he opened up the Bible in the drawer, and started to flip through it. He said “there’s usually money in here.” I pretty much said “what the heck are you talking about, who the heck just leaves money hanging around” much to my surprise, sure enough, there was a crisp, brand new $1 bill in the bible. Friend 1, Self 0. It got me to thinking about why this would be a thing, about what the Bible says about this, and about how it is essentially a charitable work. It’s like if something happened and you really need it, it’s like someone saying “if you need this dollar, take it. No questions asked.” I was in a good spot at the time so I did not take it, because that’s just bad juju my friend.

What The Bible Says About Giving And Charity

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”- 2 Corinthians 9:7

This verse is often cited when it comes to giving charitably, but it is important to note that it does not specifically mention leaving money in a hotel Bible, at least not specifically. However, this practice definitely fits into the verse, and I am sure it is something that I will do more of later in life once I build my fortune, should I be so lucky. Ending my life by doing charitable works like giving money to common folks, and building housing units that I rent out for a massive discount just for the goodness of it, is actually something I would like to do when I’m very old.

Final Thoughts On Why Do People Leave Money In Hotel Bibles?

This was something of an eye opening concept for me. One day, as my financial situation gets better, I hope to one day continue paying it forward, and to be able to put a $1 Bill in a hotel bible each time I am on vacation. What is your take on this cool phenomenon? Comment down below and let us know what you think!




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